授課地點🔐:泰山科研樓210 (Scientific Research Building, room 210)
課程名稱🚴🏿:Fundamentals of more electric vehicle power-trains
日期/date | 教學安排/Hours | 教室/Rooms | 內容/contents |
2024,6.17 Mon | 13:10--16:40(4hours) | 科研樓210 | Background to more electric vehicle power-trains;Energy supply and emissions, well-to-wheel analysis; Vehicle energy utilization; |
2024,6.18 Tue | 8:20--11:50(4hours) | 科研樓210 | Electric vehicle drive-train concepts and configurations; Vehicle kinematics and power-train rating. |
2024,6.19 Wed | 8:20--11:50(4hours) | 科研樓210 | General drive-train components, electric machines and drive-train configurations |
2024,6.20 Thu | 8:20--11:50(4hours) | 科研樓210 | Power electronic conversion requirements, DC-AC; AC-DC; |
2024,6.21 Fri | 8:20--11:50(4hours) | 科研樓210 | Power and energy storage devices; Fuel cells;Electro-chemical batteries; ICE |
Nigel Schofield received the degrees of B.Eng. (Hons.) in Electrical Power Engineering, and Ph.D. for research on the field-weakening capability of brushless permanent-magnet traction machines, from the University of Sheffield, UK, in 1990 and 1997, respectively. During the period 1993 to 1995 he served as a Senior Experimental Officer in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering (EEE) at the University of Sheffield, before taking up the post of Design Engineer in industry. | |
From 1997 to 2001, Dr. Schofield was a post-doctoral researcher in the Electrical Machines and Drives Research Group, Dept. of EEE, University of Sheffield, and from 2001 to 2004 a Lecturer in the Dept. of EEE. On 1 July 2004 he was appointed to a Mechatronics Lectureship in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, at the University of Manchester, UK, and a Senior Lecturer in the School in 2009 where he lectured across all undergraduate years and on the Power Conversion M.Sc. On 1 Jan. 2013 Dr. Schofield joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at McMaster University, Ontario, Canada, as a Full Professor with Tenure. On 1 May 2017 Dr. Schofield joined University of Huddersfield, UK. His research interests include electro-magnetic power-trains for all- and hybrid-electric vehicles; the vehicular application of electro-chemical and electro-static energy sources; hydrogen fuel cell systems; aerospace machines and actuators; the industrial application of electro-magnetic devices and wind generator design and renewable energy schemes. Prof. Schofield is a Chartered Engineer and member of the UK IET and IEEE. |
Contact details:
Nigel Schofield
University of Huddersfield, UK
Email: n.schofield@hud.ac.uk